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Power Sports and Electronic Fuel Injection Glossary


Although throttle-valve control represents the primary method of regulating the primary method of regulating the flow of fresh air into the engine, a number of other systems are also capable of adjusting the mass of fresh and residual gases in the cylinder.


Fuels for spark-ignition engines are basically hydrocarbon compounds, but can also contain oxygenous organic compounds or other additives for improved performance. The basic classes are regular and premium fuel, with the latter having enhanced knock resistance for use in high-compression engines.


The spark-ignition or Otto-cycle1) power-plant is an internal-combustion(IC) engine that relies on an externally-generated ignition spark to transform the chemical energy contained in fuel into kinetic energy.


The gasoline fuel injection and the ignition are what get the engine running. The gasoline is injected into the intake manifold onto the engine's intake valves. The resulting air/fuel mixture is drawn into the combustion chambers when the pistons move downwards. When they move back up again, the A/F mixture is compressed and at the ignition point ignited by a spark generated by the spark plug. The resulting combustion energy forces the piston downwards and via the attached rod the piston's linear motion is converted to crankshaft rotation.


The phenomenon that occurs when the airflow between a moving object and the ground creates down-force.


Group injection combines the injectors in two groups, with each group being triggered once per cycle. The time interval between the two triggering points is equal to one crankshaft rotation period. This arrangement makes it possible to use the engine operating point as the essential criterion in selecting the injection mode while also preventing undesirable spray through the open intake valves throughout a wide range in the program map.


Valve timing is not the only factor that shapes the gas-exchange process: Intake and exhaust-tract configuration are also vital. Periodic pressure waves are generated within the intake manifold during the cylinder's intake stroke. These pressure waves propagate through the intake runners and are reflected at their ends. The idea is to adapt the length and diameter of the runners to the valve timing in such a way that a pressure peak reaches the intake valve just before it closes. This supplementary pressurization effect increases the mass of fresh gas entering the cylinder.

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